It's in this apartment that my roommates and I have created our little world. It's a similar story to many others. We're two males and two females, all in our early twenties and either just starting our careers or in grad school. None of us are from the area originally. None of us knew each other before we moved in. We met due to a wonderful little website called craigslist. We don't really hang out together, but are for the most part civil to each other when more than one person is here.
That's why it's great to write each other notes. I might not see Kelly for a week, but if I go to Whole Foods and buy too many apples, I can just place the following note on the counter:
Figure 1: "Free Apples!" |
About half of the notes that we put up in my apartment fall into the free food category. The other half are reminders to take care of things, mostly cleaning. The place is pretty small like I said, and it can get dirty if we don't watch it. Here's a note illustrating that:
Figure 2: "Please be sure to wipe down the counter and stove top after you finish cooking in order to help us keep the bugs out!" |
That's a nice way of reminding everyone to do their part, isn't it? Our building does have some bug problems. But sometimes you need to be a bit more firm, like, say, when your male roommate (who is not the writer of this blog), uses an electric razor somewhere other than his face, and leaves the trimmings everywhere, and you don't want to touch that shit with a ten foot pole, but eventually you have to because he leaves it there:
Figure 3: "Please clean all hair and toothpaste out of the sink after using. All trash and hair needs to be thrown in the trash! Everyone needs to help keep this bathroom clean!" |
Figure 4: "We all must do our part to keep this apt. clean; dishes are very much central to this effort. Please don't leave any more sink-fulls-of dirty dishes. 7-24 Jeremy" |
Before I finish this first post, I also wanted to address one more thing. That is, I know that similar sites exist. There is already the site Notes to My Roommate and there is already the blog That being said, Notes to my Roommate is completely anonymous and is for people who want to paste virtual notes to their roommate where they will never see them. Chances are they'll never see them if they're posted here, but this is for the real deal. isn't exclusively made of roommate notes, and I also don't intend for this site to just be filled with passive aggressive things either. I want this site to be a niche in and of itself, and I also thought of it without ever seeing those two other sites before. Maybe once this blog has been around for awhile I can get a book deal too.
Finally, I know this has been a long first post but let me say that I will post the EPIC NOTE that actually inspired me to create this blog next time. I also can't run this blog just on the crap that gets put up in my own apartment, so please send me your notes at
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